Alessio Nardin

I am a professional working at the intersection of policy, technology and law. I have a background in international relations, applied data science and policy analysis.

I am currently working as an external service provider on digital-ready policymaking supporting the digital-ready policymaking team of DG DIGIT.B2 of the European Commission. There I work on Better Regulation and the reduction of administrative burden by leveraging digital technologies. I am focusing on legal informatics, semantic technologies, law as code and how these fields can fit together with the recent developments of generative AI.

I live in Brussels and I think that we need to find sustainable ways of living together on planet Earth. Patience and cooperation will lead us to success.

“The needs of the many do not overcome the needs of the few and the needs of the few do not overcome the needs of the many.”

For more information, check out my resume and github profile.

Feel free to contact me on linkedin!

All the views expressed in this and related websites are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.